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Age Matters Volume Two

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $15.99.

SKU: ZYA2126237599 Category:


Age Matters, a top WEBTOON by Enjelicious, is a slow-burn romance about two unlikely people who fall in love and explore why age matters.A hopeless romantic and a reclusive billionaire rewrite the rules of friendship, love, and work.Twenty-nine-year-old Rose is trying to pick up her life after her ex-boyfriend cheated on and then dumped her. In need of employment, she takes over her best friend’s odd job to cook and deliver meals to a mysterious boss. This boss turns out to be Daniel, the 23-year-old CEO of Lime. She finds him too abrasive, while he finds her too desperate, but they eventually learn to get along . . . Does Rose like-like Daniel? Is Daniel secretly into Rose? Daniel thinks Rose and Andrew have something going on. Rose thinks Daniel is using her to make Via jealous. And now a silver hottie comes on strong with Rose. Oh, the drama! Volume 2 is on fire!

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