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Black Hammer Omnibus TPB Volume 03

Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $23.99.

SKU: ZWD31050993815 Category:


Years after Black Hammer and the rest of Spiral City’s greatest heroes seemingly died defeating the cosmic despot known as Anti-God, Lucy Weber, the daughter of Black Hammer, took up his mantle and carried on the legacy of her father. Years after that, Lucy, and the world, have moved on. Living in the suburbs of Spiral City, Lucy is married and has children. But all is not blissful. Her marriage is falling apart, her job has reached a dead end, and for mysterious reasons, she hasn’t picked up the hammer in years. But, as her domestic life begins to crumble, the secrets of the last twenty years, and the reasons Lucy really gave up being Black Hammer, begin to resurface, threatening her family, and the peace she has tried hard to find for herself. Collects Black Hammer Reborn #1-12 in a deluxe, oversized paperback format with a new cover, sketchbook extras, and more!

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